Monday, September 12, 2011

Who has the right?

Who the hell are you to tell me what is sexy? what i should weigh or even if im your type? what if i dont want to be your type? like what makes you so great? Why do women have to eat a damn carrot and cry about their curves while men drink beer and shake their guts? Society has this ideal image for us to look like. What our house should look like and who we should be with. Even how to make love and if your not making love the right way according to whatever magazine then your life is over and the world is going to explode. Now they rules for even looking at people to give the right first impression! Say a girl/guy practices on their own in the mirror and they think," OMG i got this." and when they give the look their date thinks their constipated : (
Does anyone have any answers? comments? Concerns? Go ahead and bitch about it!